Welcome to climate memory game
The Climate Memory game was developed to raise awareness of climate change. The game attempts to communicate the facts of human activities affecting and even destroying our nature in an entertaining form.
Feedback is more than welcome! I am also glad to hear about interesting content that could be incorporated into the game to help raise awareness about this topic.
How to play
The website is a classical memory game with additional features. The user tries to match an image with a corresponding image description. The image can be either a visualization, an icon or just a figure.
Each time the card is flipped, the card content is automatically magnified in order to read the text or see the image properly. You need to click on the magnified card to close it.
The game board consists of 6 pairs of cards, i.t. 12 cards in total. The time and the number of flipped cards are noticed.
Please read the text carefully so that you can match the card easily and have fun!
Story behind
As a child I enjoyed playing memory games a lot, especially the ones with Walt Disney cartoons. I was really good at it. During the COVID time, I got back to it. I even bought some new memory games with various motives. My husband did not want to play with me later on, because he could hardly win.
Nowadays, there is not much time to play the game as we have welcomed our little son into our family. But one day, I hope we can all play it together. But what I hope more for, is that he will have the possibility to live in the world of all possibilities and yet be kind to the planet. This can only happen if we adopt our lifestyle. Or at least if we start to think about the alternatives in our daily lives.
Get in touch
I am happy to hear from you! Sarka